Use Nutrition to Avoid the Afternoon Slump

Use Nutrition to Avoid the Afternoon Slump

Feeling drowsy halfway through your workday? While it might be tempting to reach for another cup of coffee--more than likely, the problem is deeper than that.

Instead of searching for new ways to fight the drowsiness, why not simply avoid it altogether? 

Mindful Eating for Optimal Energy

While a moderate amount of caffeine isn’t harmful, too much caffeine can mask symptoms of other issues, like poor nutrition.

If you’re feeling tired after lunch, it might be a good idea to take a deeper look at your nutrition and lifestyle to identify the root of the problem.

Ideally, if you’re making healthy choices throughout the day, you won’t be drooling on your desk come two o’clock.

Determining what this looks like for you and your body may take time, along with some trial and error. Here are some ways to transition yourself into more mindful eating habits.

The Importance Of Routine

Develop a routine based on healthy eating habits, starting with your first meal of the day. Making sure you’re eating a healthy, energizing breakfast is one great way to avoid crashing in the afternoon.

As you start to develop your own daily rituals, don’t be afraid to play around with different foods to see what feels best for you. Over time, you’ll figure out how to eat and consume for your particular body type.

As you learn what works for you, your body will start to adjust to your daily habits, knowing it will get the nutrients it needs to function at its best.

Here are a few tips to help you choose options that will keep you feeling energized, healthy and productive.

Choosing the Right Kinds of Foods

In order to feel your best, you need to give your body the fuel and nutrition it needs.

Choosing foods that are high in protein and low on the glycemic index, (beans, nuts, and seeds) will help you maintain consistent blood sugar levels and energy throughout the day, avoiding that dreaded afternoon crash.

In addition, research suggests that plant-based whole-food diets are helpful for promoting overall health and wellness.

When possible, avoid foods that are processed and consider limiting foods that contain animal products. Vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and fruits are great examples of plant-based whole foods.

Limit Sugar and Use Caffeine Mindfully

To avoid an energy low during the afternoon, try to be conscious of how much sugar and caffeine you’re consuming throughout the day.

Small amounts of caffeine are helpful for a boost in energy. But, drinking cup after cup of coffee packed with sugar and other sweeteners is a sure way to guarantee a crash. The same goes for energy drinks that tend to be loaded with sweeteners and artificial sources of caffeine.

Start Keeping Track

As always, your most valuable tool will be your ability to get in touch with yourself and understand how different foods make you feel.

Pay attention to what energizes you and makes you feel good. If you find something that works for you, don’t ignore it.

RELATED: Here's why you need to start measuring your caffeine intake


Photos By: Annie Spratt, Brooke Lark, STIL, QooQeee, Rawpixel

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